
Monday, September 1, 2014


My kids love being outdoors and they especially love the park. But they don't get to go to the park with daddy too often, so its definitely a special treat when we decide to have a family date night at the park. Some of our favorite family nights are spent just chillin' at the park. However, you can do some really fun things at the park with a little time and effort. I'm here to share 6 things...

1. Dinner Picnic: It is always super fun to get out and have a change of scenery for dinner! Lanae thinks picnics are the most special thing. I love that something so simple can make her so excited. I also love sitting on a blanket and watching the kids play while I eat yummy picnic foods!

2. Scavenger Hunt: What kid doesn't love to hunt for things outside? Bugs, pinecones, sticks, rocks, bugs, etc. My kids seem to find things whether I ask them to or not, so I thought it would be fun to have a scavenger hunt and challenge the kids to find certain things! First one to find everything on the list gets a prize! Everything is more fun with a prize...

3. Races and competitions: I'm a pretty competitive person and use competition as a motivator sometimes. Who can get to the top of the stairs first? Who can jump the farthest? Who can eat their dinner the fastest? Who can swing the highest? Sometimes racing isn't appropriate, but for a fun night out at the park its a great way to challenge each other and have fun!

4. Relax: Just because it's a family night, doesn't mean you have to be engaging with the kids the whole time. Let them have some independent play while you sit back and relax with your sweetheart for a minute. I love going to the park with Scott because its a time where he can really see what the kids are capable of (physically) and I get to brag about all their skills!

Yeah, she's been jumping off these tall stools for ages... Impressive, huh?

5. Play with the kids: I know I just said to relax, but after you've relaxed and watched the kids for a minute, get out there and play with them. Chase them, hide from them... Swing with them, teeter-totter with them... They are only this young once. So enjoy playing with them and making them giggle!

6. Exercise: Show your kids how they can use their bodies and help them get stronger by doing simple things. Like pull-ups. Jumping. Pumping their legs on the swing. Most parents teach their kids how to swing by themselves and encourage their kids to be active. I want to take it to the next level and make sure my kids understand the importance of taking care of their body and what they can do to become strong. I want to empower my kids by giving them the knowledge they need to be healthy throughout their lives!

We could add a seventh... Disc Golf  :)

So there you go.

6 easy and fun things to do at the park for family night. Its such a simple, fun and memorable family date night! I know these nights out with the family are some of my favorite! I would love to hear some of your favorite things to do at the park. What can I add to my list??

PS. Sorry the pictures are blurry and not the best quality, we were using our camera on our phone...

Here are some other fun date nights to check out!

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1 comment:

  1. Those are such fun ideas! I love the picnic idea to start it all off. Now that Little J is getting bigger, we can do these things!!


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